

Following Jesus

Posted on 02.06.2013

The other day, I caught the end of a program of one of my favorite radio Bible teachers. He asked the question, “What does it mean to follow Christ?” His question challenged me in a new way, causing me to ask myself, “Am I a true follower of Jesus Christ?”

When I contemplate all that we know about Jesus’ life, I wonder if I really understand what it means to do what Jesus did. Jesus showed compassion and mercy for all He came into contact with. He spoke the truth in love. He knew His Father and what His Father’s will was and was fully committed to doing His Father’s will to the point of death. He loved unconditionally. He went to where the people were, seeking them out, so that he could minister to their needs. He put others before himself and his own needs. I already fall short.

I know that I have given my life to Christ and each day I believe I seek to know His will and to do and be all that He wants of me. I still feel that hope and excitement that comes with knowing Him and loving Him to the point that I want to see him at work daily in my life—I want to see the evidence that I am being used by Him. I realize that allowing God to use me simply requires that I focus on loving Him—and as I keep my focus on Him, He will live in me and work through me. I admit that I do see Him at work in my life. However, I still wonder, “Am I truly following His example?”

I have had a few days to think about this and to pray about it. I have come to a conclusion: By faith and all that I do know and have learned from Christ and my relationship with Him, I am following Him, as imperfect as I may be. The fact that I have conducted a “self-examination” regarding my fellowship with Christ is a sign of a growing and dynamic relationship with Christ—this should continue to lead to an even more intimate relationship with Christ. Great relationships, like great marriages, are challenged from time-to-time.

I am grateful that with Jesus, I walk in the light. Jesus, even said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). That is evidence that I am following Him. Are you in the Light?

Each of us has a life that is uniquely ours, with our own unique challenges. In other words, you have your cross and I have mine! Jesus had His cross to bear for us. We should not compare our crosses. Thus, as followers of Christ, we must accept our burdens in life and walk with Him. Matthew 16:24 says, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”

I believe that as I continue my quest for Jesus, I could do more denying. What do you think you could do more or less of as you seek to follow Christ? One thing that I am sure of is, like the song says, “I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back, no turning back.”