When Fatigue Sets In, Come As You Are
Posted on 08.22.2012
Tonight I attempt to share some words of encouragement just as I am in a state of fatigue along with an “I-really-want-to-go-to-bed” attitude. Even so, I am quickly reminded that even in this state of mind, I can go to the Holy One who will work through me in this writing, just as I am right now.
My thoughts turn to a hymn that I often sang in church as a child:
Just as I am without one plea,
But that thy blood was shed for me.
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee,
Oh, Lamb of God, I come,
I come.
The truth remains that as a saved sinner, my spirit is trapped in human flesh. My flesh is fallible, or in plainer words, I am going to fail and not be perfect. My humanity is going to get me into trouble. I am not talking about blatant trouble. I am talking about more private trouble like my being a doubter, when I should have faith; being weak when Jesus tells me to be strong; being fearful when Jesus tells me not to be afraid; being sad when I am supposed to be glad, as the Bible says. I am even told that whenever I do not have faith that I am sinning. Knowing that makes me feel guilty: Here I am, a believer in Jesus Christ, not walking by faith!
The reality of living life is that we are weak, but He is strong and if we want to be victors, we must live in Him. We must know that we can go to Him and rest in Him, just as we are—weak, dirty, ugly, filthy, fearful, and doubting—and let Him have this human shell and fill it with Himself. Jesus does not turn away from our humanness, for He came down and approached us wrapped in humanness! He came to live with us to get close to human frailty and love us anyway! My spirit man is righteous and His grace and love covers my sin! There is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus!
As Christians, we want to project that “You-always-have-to-have-it-together” façade that is just a bunch of “fake mess” that is entirely useless for anyone attempting to live an authentic Christ-centered life. The reality is that we are desperate people in desperate need of our Savior every single moment of our lives. Our human pride and false sophistication refuses to admit it daily. We forget that if we will humble ourselves, He will exalt us and take us to the place we need to be in Him. In other words, if we humble ourselves and confess how doubtful, fearful, ugly and filthy our human selves are, He can take us and cleanse us and fill us up with what we need. Then, we can celebrate that we are clothed in His righteousness!
I daily go to the Holy One, so He can heal me, deliver me, fill me and work through me. He is my source of strength, love, joy, peace and steadfastness. My hope comes from Him, and He is the author of my faith.
We do not need to have anything or be anything before we go to God. Just go to the Holy One, just as you are and praise Him! Worship Him for who He is. Holy One, I come to you, just as I am. Everything I have said is scriptural fact—look it up in the Bible.
“Holy One” is a song featured on my new album. May it remind you to come just as you are.
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