

Tick Tock Goes The Clock

Posted on 01.23.2013

This blog is especially dedicated to those of you who were able to attend our CD-Release Concert last Friday night. It has been a while since our group had been together “in concert.” We were looking forward to being together again, as there is a special chemistry that happens by the Spirit of God, when we come together to glorify Him.

For me, I must come clean and let you know something: when I first found out that God will cause one who is “sold out” or submitted to Him to do things perhaps one would not choose to do, it scared me a little. In fact, years ago, I would see this happen when I would lead worship. I asked my pastor about it. He reassured me that God will move and cause one to do things in the Spirit that humanly one would not ordinarily do.

I bring this up because ever since last Friday night, I have been hearing about this “Tick, tock, goes the clock” thing! One woman said to me, “My husband just loved the ‘Tick Tock’ song!” I responded, “There was no tick tock song! That wasn’t a song, that was spontaneous praise and worship—a move of the Spirit!” I had to try and think about, okay, when did that happen? And what song did it happen on?

The next day, while talking with a friend, she told me that her pastor made sure she saw him doing the “dance” that apparently came with the “Tick Tock” song. I even heard he was teaching “the dance” to one of his parishoners! Oh, my! Goodness gracious! I don’t exactly remember what dance I did.

This morning as I was driving our youngest daughter to school, I asked her if one of her classmates had come to concert because she invited her. She responded, “Yes.” She then added, “Now when we see each other at school we say, ‘Tick Tock goes my clock!’” She laughed and I laughed with shock and awe at what God must have done that night.

The bottom line is this: during the concert as I was about to share the private moments that I have with my God on a constant basis, I asked God as I was on that stage, “Oh, no, You are not going to have me share this, are You?” Well, He did. I shared that I praise God in front of people just like I do when no one is around. Those clocks I hear when I walk into our home when no one else is there cause me to dance in praise to the beat of the time God has given me to do His work. Whenever I hear a beat, I want to move—thank God He gives me life in my body and that my bones, muscles, joints and tendons still work and are well lubricated! The beat of these clocks do remind me that I am to make use of every opportunity to do His will while I have time (Ephesians 5:15-17). It reminds me to dance, sing, worship and praise Him with everything that is within me! He is coming back, so we must use our time, talent and treasure wisely as we wait for His return!

One of the vocalists said that a young lady who attended the concert said to her after the concert was over, with tears in her eyes, that she did not know that one could sing unto the Lord with joy and fun! Tick tock was a holy moment. It was serious and fun and very real for me. This “Tick Tock” song was borne by the Spirit on that stage right before all of us. I praise God for the work of the Holy Spirit and how He spoke to us in such an interesting way. He is Good.

This morning, as I was getting dressed, I heard a beat from our daughter’s room. I stopped and danced in praise to Him for one minute: 30 ticks and 30 tocks.

Be blessed today and listen to the clock.